
Showing posts from April, 2017

Don’t Surrender To Low Self-Esteem

Fear & anxiety   are often the major root causes of low self-esteem. It is common therefore for those who suffer from low self-esteem, to experience extreme fear and anxiety frequently and which manifests itself in the form of anxiety attacks (often called panic attacks). These attacks can be triggered by any stressful situation like for example if they make a mistake which they think others have noticed, or if they are experiencing something new and are unsure of their abilities or worthiness, combined with a fear of rejection. Sufferers are flooded with a wash of negative emotions and self –doubt, which confirms their own feelings of inadequacy, incompetence, being undeserving or unlovable. During these attacks they may attack or withdraw and isolate while feeling embarrassed, humiliated, devastated, depressed, and despairing. To make matters worse, they often do not ask for help, as they view it as a further sign of weakness or admission of inadequacy. Your self-e...

Productivity Is Key to Improving Your Life

Productivity or “Production Efficiency”, in essence is a measure of work completed or done over time. All of us would like to be able to do more with our time and achieve more in life. Aside from the obvious benefits of increased work output in professional or work settings, being productive in our daily lives can also help us to build a healthy lifestyle habits. Productive people usually have clearer plans and are more focused on the goals in their lives. They are more likely to achieve their objectives and ambitions as they have a higher work output as well as being more creative. Productive people also suffer from less stress, and consequently their bodies produce less cortisol, a by-product of stress, and which is toxic in large doses. By actively and consciously learning, acquiring, and more importantly practicing new habits, productive people are able to be more energetic as well as maintain a positive outlook on life Creator Academy can help you make the needed cha...


Having the self-confidence to succeed is the starting point to achieving your dreams—you have to believe in both yourself and your dreams, and have the courage to pursue your goals with determination. The key is to focus on continuous self-improvement; to improve in your job, your business, your   relationships, or any area of your life you think you would like to be better. Developing new skills and maturing as a person is therefore central to our perception of self-worth and self-achievement. As human beings, we have a need to be challenged which helps us grow and develop both mentally and emotionally. In the absence of challenges however, we tend to slip into lethargy and over time, this saps away at our motivation, ultimately leading to a lower feeling of self-worth. It is extremely important  therefore that we actively seek to reaffirm our positive feelings of self-worth on a regular basis.                       ...

Achieve Success by Creating Your Own Market

Successfully marketing a new product to today’s modern consumers requires going beyond understanding traditional market systems and channels. This is because the internet and online media channels are transforming every aspect of how businesses operate today, allowing business to interact directly and reach more customers, regardless of geographic boundaries. To be successful under these dynamic conditions, businesses should focus more on market creation, rather than traditional goals of simply acquiring a share of an established market.  In fact, studying and analysing the options available in an established market sometimes only serves to limit the potential of your product or offering.  There is a tendency to stifle innovation and improvement as all products are streamlined towards following the rules and requirements of those who control these markets Don’t be bound to the whims of major market players; create your own market for your product or service to unlock ...


Stress which is defined as “a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances”, is an everyday part of modern life. While stress can sometimes be a good thing that motivates you to action, however if it becomes chronic and overwhelms both your mental and physical health, counter-measures must be taken to manage stress effectively. Stress management is all about taking charge: of your lifestyle, thoughts, emotions, and the way you deal with problems. No matter how stressful your life seems, there are steps you can take to relieve the pressure and regain control. Keep away from unhealthy coping methods, and instead pursue healthy activities like physical exercise, improving your nutrition and regular positive social interactions with others.                       At CREATOR ACADEMY we can help you identify the stressors in your life and guide you towards solutions that ca...

Effective Communication is the Language of Leadership

Business is all about building relationships. Speaking the same language as the people you do business with therefore, can break down many barriers, making it easier to communicate and network with each other. In the professional world and the realm of international business, the most pre-dominant and accepted form of communication is in English.  By standardising the communication language people from different countries or cultures can work together with a common understanding. Consequently, being competent in business English projects a positive and professional image of yourself when dealing with others. At the very least, by communicating effectively, you can address the business objectives of all parties involved and ensure that every detail is addressed.  This is especially true in international business where the slightest misunderstanding could have an impact on the outcome of any deal.                     ...


What sets those who accomplish great things apart from those who fail to realize their ambitions? You might guess intelligence, appetite for risk, or even creativity. While these are all sensible-sounding suggestions, experts have found however, that those who achieve great things generally believe they can improve and grow as people. Attitude is usually the differentiator which will determine our next step. This is because our interpretation of everything we encounter or experience in life is based on our attitude, thus we all use different filters to gauge our lives. When that filter comes through positivity, we get a totally different view than if viewed through anger. We see exactly what that filter tells us.                                                 Creator Academy can help you transform your life and tap into your hidden potential. Re-awaken y...


The advent of the Internet has in many ways levelled the playing field for small businesses allowing them to compete with major corporations. The Internet has allowed fledgling businesses to increase both visibility and revenue, reaching potential customer population totals never before seen in history. Digital Media channels, Social Media in particular, have redefined how information is shared, and businesses are run all over the globe. Opportunities are rife, so an owner who understands the benefits of utilizing the Digital Media and the Internet when conducting business and applies the practices can maximize the potential of his organization.                           Creator Academy can guide you understand the Social and Digital Media landscape, and consequently begin crafting your own personalized strategy for reaching out to potential customers, engaging with your current customers, and promoting you...

Break the Chains of Bad Habits to Set Your True Potential Free

Many of us struggle with bad habits that we just can’t kick. Despite knowing and understanding the negative consequences, it’s still an uphill battle to change and free ourselves as many of these habits have been so deeply ingrained, that we often make excuses to hang on to them. To make an effective change we need to re-program ourselves and start adopting healthy new habits. Begin by making a realistic appraisal of your weaknesses, set achievable goals, recognize specific behavioral changes that need to be made, and be committed to sticking to them. With a little willpower and the right strategy, you can break free from the chains of your bad habits and set your true potential free. At Creator Academy , we apply a dynamic and holistic approach aimed at empowering you to regain control over your behavior and life choices. Live your life the way you want to, and never be beholden to your bad habits again.


Before attempting to create a market for your product, you should be well-versed in the different types of market systems, and how to approach them effectively. It is important for small business owners to understand what type of market system they are operating in when making pricing and production decisions, or when determining whether to enter or leave a particular industry. Here are a few of the major market types you may encounter in your business: Perfect Competition - a market system characterized by having many different buyers and sellers. Monopoly - a market system where there is only one producer of a particular product or service, with generally no reasonable substitute available. Monopolistic Competition – a market system that combines elements of a Monopoly as well as Perfect Competition. The difference is that each competitor is sufficiently differentiated from the others that some are able to charge greater prices than compared to a Perfect Com...

Positional and Personal Power In Leadership

In CREATOR ACADEMY 's Leadership Course (LDC), you will explore the significance of a leader's personal and positional power in their role. The positional power of a leader is seen in their management role, where authority is given and yielded. However, according to several case studies on leadership impact, a leader's personal power has more influence than their positional power. This goes to show that even though you may be given the authority to lead, your influence on your team highly depends on your personal power, which are your personality, interpersonal communication skills and emotional intelligence. At CREATOR's LDC, we guide managers and aspiring leaders on how to cultivate their personal power in order to effectively complement their positional power at the workplace to nurture harmonious and successful working relationships.

Variety Of The Leadership Styles

Many different types of the leadership styles are followed by leaders/managers worldwide.Certain styles are favored more than others depending on the company culture. However, the key to becoming a successful leader is to adopt the most appropriate style of leadership to suit the time, place and team you are leading. It is necessary to understand the kind of people you are managing. Once you know this, you can incorporate any leadership style to become effective. Autocratic leadership, Cross cultural leadership and Charismatic leadership are some of the leadership style followed. At Creator Academy, we have designed the Leadership Course (LDC) for leaders and managers in any capacity to derive insights and ideas from case studies and best practices, ultimately helping you to find the best suitable leadership approach for the right situation. You will gain self confidence in the work you do and also motivate co-workers to perform at their level best.         ...

Self Care Is A Divine Responsibility

Physical activity plays a key role in reducing and preventing the effects of stress, but  you don't have to be an athlete or spend hours in a gym to experience the benefits. Just about any form of physical activity can help relieve stress and burn away anger, tension, and frustration. Exercise releases endorphin that boost your mood and make you feel good, and it can also serve as a valuable distraction to your daily worries.  While the maximum benefit comes from exercising for 30 minutes or more, you can start small and build up your fitness level gradually. Short, 10-minute bursts of activity that elevate your heart rate and make you break out into a sweat can help to relieve stress and give you more energy and optimism. The key is to get yourself up moving :- Put on some music and dance around Take your dog for a walk Walk or cycle to the grocery store  Use the stairs at home or work rather than an elevator  Park your car in the farthest spot i...

Replace Unhealthy Coping Strategies With Healthy Ones

Think about the ways you currently manage and cope with stress in your life. Are your coping strategies healthy or unhealthy, helpful or unproductive? Unfortunately, many people cope with stress in ways tat compound the problem. These coping strategies may temporarily reduce stress, but they cause more damage in the long run : Unhealthy ways of coping with stress :- Smoking  Using pills or drugs to relax  Drinking too much  Withdrawing from friends, family and activities Bingeing on junk or comfort food Procrastinating Zoning out for hours looking at your phone Filling up every minute of the day to avoid facing problems Sleeping too much Taking out your stress on others  At CREATOR ACADEMY you will come to know whether your methods of coping with stress contribute to your greater emotional and physical health. No single method works for everyone or in every situation, so experiment with different techniques and strategies. Our Lifestyle Cour...

Do Less With More Focus

We should understand about the importance of holding yourself to a schedule and not a deadline . There might be occasions when deadlines make sense, but when it comes to doing important work over the long-term, following a schedule is much more effective.  When it comes to the day-to-day grind, however, following a schedule is easier said than done. Ask anyone who plans to workout every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and they can tell you how hard it is actually stick to their schedule every time without fail. To counteract the unplanned distractions that occur and overcome the tendency to be pulled off track, CREATOR ACADEMY will guide you in making the shift you need organize your schedule and plan your life . Goals should be created by setting up a schedule first and not the scope, which is the opposite of how we usually approach our goals. The cumulative impact of always staying on schedule is huge. No matter what the circumstance and no matter how small the work was, y...

Plan Your Priority

Disorder and chaos tend to increase as the day goes on. At the same time,  the decisions and choices that are made throughout the day tend to drain your willpower. You're less likely to make a good decision at the end of day than you are at the beginning. For all of above reasons, CREATOR ACADEMY will make you understand that you should do your best to make sure that if there is something important that you need to do, then do it first. With us will understand that if you do the most important thing first, then you'll never have a day when you didn't get something important done. By following this simple strategy, you will usually end up having a productive day. If you actually do the most important thing first each day, it is the only productivity tip you'll ever need.

Work Together Not Against

Working on teams can be a stressful and frustrating task when you do not get along with other members or you do not get along with the team leader.  One of the main reason of these problems could be poor communication between the members. If there are poor communicators on your team, you may often feel left in the dark, confused or misunderstood.  There should be effective communication between the team members to avoid any misunderstanding or other issues. Even though some people understand their communication skills need improving, many aren't certain how to improve them. AT CREATOR ACADEMY you will learn methods and best practices on how to improve your communication skills for effective team building.  If you are a Team Member, the key is to : Communicate, Communicate and Communicate. Communicating with the team members about the task or any problem with the member will give you ways to solve it. Not communicating about the problem will only mak...

Think Like A Team

Let us go through some steps for better teamwork Every individual should think of his team first and his personal interests should take a backseat. Do not mix your personal issues with your professional life. Keep them separate. Never underestimate your team members. Before implementing any new idea, it must be discussed with each and every member on an open platform. Stay away from criticism and making fun of your team members. Help each other and be a good team player. Be the first one to break the ice and always create a friendly ambiance.  Transparency must be maintained and healthy interaction must be promoted among the team members. The communication must be effective, crystal clear and precise so that every team member gets a common picture. The team leader must take the responsibility of encouraged the team members to give their level best and should intervene immediately in cases of conflicts. Avoid conflicts in your team. Don't fight over p...