An open door & a welcoming smile can lead to an exceptional experience. These are amongst the basics but are extremely important etiquette in any industry. How a person looks, dresses & presents himself speaks volumes about his approach towards people. It is important to understand, that no matter what your job role is, you are the face of your organisation. The act of grooming is to make yourself and the organisation presentable and impressive. Not only for visitors or customers, the behaviour of staff towards colleagues should also be presentable. No matter your position, the way you talk to your colleagues matters a lot and impacts their work efficiency.

There are different ways of managing behaviour, dressing and other etiquette so as to make yourself presentable to your colleagues and external customers. Learn all these with Creator Academy’s LIFESTYLE COURSE which has influenced changes in many people’s lives in a positive way.

 Etiquette includes everything from the way you talk and dress up to the way you react or respond to different people. Your way of dealing with people whether it be your colleague, customer or visitor makes a difference in branding the image of the company you are working for. That’s why we should always follow basic etiquette as part of our responsibility on behalf of our company.
With CREATOR ACADEMY you will understand the importance of maintaining etiquette regularly which will also boost your self-confidence. There may be nothing wrong with the way you carry or groom yourself , however, at CREATOR ACADEMY you will be guided in the  dos and don’ts of appropriate etiquette according to different situations or occasions. Each time it is important to follow the code of conduct of the industry. This ensures a memorable experience for the visitor & repeated business for you.


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