Be Confident at Work, Even When You Don’t feel like it

Low self-confidence while at work, can be the start of a vicious circle: for whatever reason, you begin to doubt yourself, your boss and colleagues sense it and start to withhold opportunities, your work output begins to suffer, and the net result is your confidence sinks even lower. If only confidence was an emotion you could think your way through, your rational mind would then remind yourself of your successes and everything would be okay. Unfortunately, while this may work as a quick fix, if there are other issues dragging you down then a rational response is not always effective. It is at these moments that we can battle our way through using the cliché of: faking it ‘til you make it.

Indeed, studies have shown that the mere outward appearance of confidence can help us achieve higher status and even appear more visibly attractive. While I am not encouraging dishonesty, confidence is after all an intangible quality that depends on perspective. If you make a human connection with a date, boss or teammate that you hope to impress, it can genuinely lift your confidence as well as giving the right impression. Make sure to look them in the eyes, as staring at your shoes or over their shoulder can appear shifty – and anyway, we often receive little cues of support or encouragement from prolonged eye contact.
Winning your confidence back is not a matter of an overnight fix, but with patience you can begin to change the way you feel and the way that others perceive you – and break out of that vicious circle for good. Creator Academy can help teach you these techniques as well as many effective other strategies and skills that can help advance your professional career. Our world renowned programmes cover a wide range of useful topics that will equip you with the right tools for success. You deserve to live the best life you can!


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