Cultivating Patience

In a frantic world demanding instant gratification, the demand for instant results is seeping into every corner of our lives. You may be in denial and say: “not me”, but be honest… don’t you just love same-day deliveries, on-line ordering to avoid busy shopping malls and waiting in queues, a computer that thinks faster than you do – instantly opening a page without having to wait? Sounds familiar? The truth is that instant gratification is making us perpetually impatient. We even become impatient with ourselves through self-criticism for ‘not being over our depression by now’, or not mastering a new task with the first attempt.

No matter how diligent and self-aware we are, there is always a chance impatience can get the better of us and hurt us in numerous ways. Not only can it hinder any progress we are making towards a specific goal, and can also damage our relationships with other people. As such, cultivating patience whenever possible is of paramount importance, as it can be restorative, and profoundly healing when practiced regularly. Importantly, it allows us to see what is happening in the present moment more clearly, so that rather than reacting automatically in potentially unhelpful ways, we can rest in a wiser space and take effective action to change what is in our control.

Need some help making those changes? Creator Academy has a focused range of powerful personal development courses that can equip you with the skills and strategies to being achieving your personal and professional goals. Embrace control of your life, and begin defining a better future for yourself.


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