Turn Your Worries into Action

Have you ever worried all night long and found yourself in the morning exactly in the same situation you were in the night before, except more sleepy and tired? 
In spite of worrying all night, you didn't solve anything, learn anything new, or acquire any possession, except perhaps a headache.  God gave us the ability to worry to help us assess the risks facing us, and to plan appropriate steps to meet our needs.  The purpose of the "work of worrying" is summarized in the saying, "forewarned is forearmed."  If you are worried and not taking the next step, that is action, you will not ever getting out of the swirling waters onto the shore.  
To learn to stop worrying, retrain your brain.  Just as you train your body position and your muscles to learn a golf swing, you can train your brain to take a swing at your worries.  However, you have about one minute to bounce that worry off you when it tries to seize your mind.  If you let those first few seconds slip, that one worry will spread its tentacles and multiply into dozens of related worries.  Catch it young.  You can break a single stick with ease; it's difficult to break a bunch of them together.  

Creator Academy can provide the guidance you need to transform your thinking and strategies a viable plan for you to reach your goals. Learn to organise your thoughts as well as key visualisation and meditative techniques, all geared to help you succeed. Make a firm decision to plan for your future today, and avoid the heartbreak of regret tomorrow.


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