Dealing with Criticism

Nobody likes being criticised, however being able to respond to criticism with nobility and detachment is an important life skill, which unfortunately only a few people have. If we respond to criticism without careful consideration, it can easily lead to unnecessary suffering. While appearing negative, most criticism is probably based, at least in part, on some truth, and by evaluating it rationally we have the opportunity to learn and improve from their suggestions.
The problem is that while people may make valuable critical suggestions, often times we respond not to the suggestions themselves but instead focus on their manner and tone. In this respect we need to separate the criticism from the style of criticism. Even if people speak in a tone of anger, we should try to detach their emotion from the useful suggestions which lie underneath. If we wish to improve and develop we should invite constructive criticism and take them for what they are, positive suggestions for our betterment, not judgements of our flaws.

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