How Your Personality Type Affects Your Career Choice

Ever wonder why some people are so happy about being an accountant while some can’t stand the idea of working with numbers every day? This trait might be highly related to your personality type. In scholarly studies on personality influences in career choice, experts recommend individuals to focus their attention on understanding their personal characteristics and traits as before finding their passion. Personal understanding reveals passion and allows you to pursue a career that leads to personal and professional satisfaction.
To support the finding, another study done at the University of Zurich found that people “who can apply personal character strengths in careers, experience more enjoyment, flow and meaning at work.” This is why some people do well at being an accountant, while some people excel at being a graphic designer.
Personality type can be identified by taking a number of tests like the Myer-Briggs personality test, Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16 PF), Edwards Personal Preference Schedule (EPPS), and NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI-R). Most often, this test will also reveal the career path that would suit your personality best.

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