The Importance of Being a Responsible Person

Every human being born in this world has their share of responsibilities – whether taking care of their children, ensuring they complete their job as required or studying to pursue their degree in Economics. Each of us has our own share of personal, social and environmental responsibility and we are required to be the most responsible person we can be for the betterment of the world at large. But what exactly does it mean to be “responsible”? Because often times we hear phrases such as “you are an irresponsible person” or “you have no sense of responsibility” or any other phrases along that line. Responsibility, as defined in the dictionary is “the state or fact of being accountable or to blame for something.”

Now why exactly should we aspire to become responsible adults? Because being a responsible person is a sign of good character, maturity and reliability – all of which are desirable personality traits for anyone to possess. Being a responsible person also makes us feel good about ourselves and allows others to respect and appreciate us. No employer would hire an irresponsible person because individuals such as these are difficult to trust and rely on and could potentially cause trouble for the company. On the other hand, a responsible person is valued by everyone because they are capable of handling matters. On top of that, being responsible also means the person can take accountability for any kind of consequences.

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